Things My Husband Says + Positivity + Youtube

I was opening my blog to write about something positive because the last few weeks have been emotionally draining.

I am continuously trying to remind myself that things will get better. That the grass will in fact become greener. That karma will hold my hand and help me skip into the sunset. God is good.

...Or maybe I will just re-play Dory's voice in Finding Nemo in my head, "Just keep swimming!"

I posted a video to youtube recently revealing the most personal thing in my sketchbook in hopes that others would share their stories. The other reason I did this was to inspire myself to work more in my sketchbook in general.

You can see it here:

** This post below was in the draft section of my blogger profile and never published.

Things my Husband Says...

While Talking to Baby M:

Hubs: "Are you my Gucci?"
Me: "Where did you even get that one from?!"

My husband's knowledge of "higher-end" designer brands are Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci.
He's incredibly fancy.

Also, M is already 14 months! Where has the time gone?
